With CAT just ten days away, you guys may be thinking that i don't have any other job. But took a break from the books. Afterall creativity peaks when you spend some time with books. I donno how many of my classmates are in that situation now. Nothing much, you may have seen this stuff before, but never in this kind. Check it out.... [:)]
Unfortunately I could manage only this much now, but I swear, I'll be back with more.
NB: Non GECians please excuse :)
Facebook news feed of CSEGECTCR 2006 batch [:p]
Rahul MH updated location to Ahmedabad.Remil Rashid : "Ailurophobia: to the core".
Saithalavi changed drinking status to "quit".
Hemanth K E recieved testimonials from Saroj Kumar, Gafoor and Nadanaraajan.
Sreeja Vijayan updated location to Chennai.
Vivek Menon updated the languages spoken to English(US) and English(UK).
Dinil P joined the group: Ex(pelled?) TCS.
Sijeesh K T became a fan of Salim Kumar via iFan.
Anju P updated status to "married".
Shalini Roy updated about me to "a fun loving person....".
Shinto Thomas updated sports to "cricket,football,arm wrestling and wrestling".
Krishna Kumar updated cuisines to "anything".
Ameen P and Sindhu U P updated location to Bengaluru.
Hima joined the group: Hindi speakers @ CTS Chennai.
Unnikrishnan K P : "Amchi Mumbai".
Joshin Chandra updated gender.
Bhushan Haldar updated the languages spoken to Bengali, Malayalam and Hindi.
Vijil M G added 18967 new photos to the album "Netherlands".
Sudeep K Krishnan became a fan of APJ AbdulKalam via iFan.