Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back to the world of blogs

Finally I am back with a post after a long while. It was indeed quite a bigger gap than usual. The previous post in the blog was just a copy-paste from one of the forward mails which I received. Every Tom, Dick (Now please don't argue with me that, this is unparliamentary) and Harry in my class is into blogging now-a-days. I just wondered how, rather why I stayed back from blogging. After much thinking, I found out the reason. The world is shrinking each second and everyone wants everything in a faster manner. The concerned factors became time and space. I do agree. Even I prefer to move ahead in such a manner. So logging into blogger, opening the dashboard, finding the right topic, expanding the ideas etc consumes time. The entire process happens only with a pc, that too we need the right time to do it. When the two stated factors became the concerns, I went in search of something new. I searched, I found, but TWITTER conquered me :( I hate to lose, but I have to admit that twitter has conquered me. I had almost forgotten my blog. When @chuck_gopal and @krishashok blog regularly, I always feel like coming back to this mode. The major inconvenience was the time. Then the focus drifted to tweets. Installed SnapTu in my phone and with that I even tweeted from the loo. I could tweet wherever AirTel had a network. The gap between me and twitter reduced day by day. My laptop is now loaded with twitter clients including DestroyTwitter and TweetDeck. Now here comes the big question. 

How long will I tweet? Won't I get bored after a while?

I have absolutely no idea. Let's see how far can I go. How many stupid tweets can i make. How many times can I post a (superb) tweet and refresh every minute to see whether it got retweeted or not. How many more follow fridays can I give, with a hope that others will also recommend me.

To mention, blogs never gave me any buddies. But twitter did. @duleepsahadevan, @shan_salam and @nijumohan were some of those whom I interacted and later met, via twitter. I am yet to meet @Feel_Like_God, @rvpanakkal, @sunilea, @RahulK18, @pokmaster, @kuttyedathi, @vilakudy, @Mishaalhk and many more. Even though I have never met these pals till date, I have felt that they are my close buddies for long.

Let's see how long can I go and how many followers can I earn ;)


jishnu said...

jst cane to see ur blog(following u in twitter.@footbolcrazy.classmate of @feel_like_god).read sum of the previous posts.loved it.especially the ones in malayalam,keep blogging

Remil Rashid said...


Thanks a lot for your comments. Tie is the primary concern. I hope I can blog more :)

Unknown said...

what is your concern about "Tie " ?? :D